About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts
Pre-Birdfair Wildlife Adventures
The week was all about Birdfair, except that I had four days before it began. Which, to be fair, were pretty awesome days in themselves. So I shall cover those before I even attempt to write about Birdfair - which is going to require a separate…
Pain, but no gain (only partially true)
Strictly speaking, the title is not true. I've had very little pain this week, and a lot of gain, but you'll see later why the title. As I write, I am in a sickeningly "I love life" mood. I want to take a moment to examine this mood. As a sufferer…
Fly My Pretties! (Actually don't cause I want to take photos)
This week at Lorton Meadows Nature Reserve has been less about the butterflies (but they'll appear later in this post don't worry), and more about returning my attention to the pond. I LOVE the pond at Lorton. It is a source of constant fascination,…
A Merry Dance
I had so much fun leading a family activity on Tuesday. The theme was butterflies, so I got to train some young children (the oldest couldn't have been more than 7) in the art of identifying common butterflies. By the end, they were getting…
Follow that Frit!
Who needs to jump in a taxi and have a car chase, when one can dash after butterflies on a nature reserve (and elsewhere)? Not me, that's for sure!
The week began in Cambridge with a moth trap and Matt leaving for work, reminding to go through…
When two become one
My camera has been returned to me! Woohoo! It feels good to have it back again, I feel like I'm whole again. Ok, maybe that is going too far, but it's not far off! I have taken a couple of hundred photos since it arrived back, haha!
Not much…
Somewhere over the rainbow
Flicking through this week's photos, I was astounded by the colours. The whole rainbow makes an appearance, in fact the whole colour spectrum really since black, brown, grey and white are also there. What do you think?
A walk around Lorton…
I've still got sand in my shoes
It wasn't quite two weeks away from Dorset, but at one and a half weeks, it's not far off Dido's song lyrics. What a wonderful holiday it was too, I still can't believe how much wildlife we saw in Scotland! Pine martens! Otters! Eagles! Western…
My guest blog post for 30 Days Wild
Having seen that the Wildlife Trusts were accepting guest posts in their 30 Days Wild blog series, I decided to enquire if I could submit one. Receiving an affirmative answer, I then pondered on what to write. How I connect with nature? The…