About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts

A Cornish Paradise
In spring, A and I escaped to the country. The Cornish countryside to be specific. I managed to find somewhere for a decent price online, a whole flat to ourselves in the middle of green fields (with views of a lake too!). To make the most of…

Dreaming of summer - Latvian wildlife
Spring is taking forever to properly arrive, and more cold weather is due. I've sown various seeds, and even have a few seedlings, but spring (let alone summer) feels like years away!
Which makes me dream of last summer and its various adventures,…

Wistful thoughts of spring
A few days of sunshine and it feels like spring could actually be on its way!
I counted five 7-spot ladybirds (Coccinella septempunctata) in a Bedfordshire garden at the weekend, basking in the weak warmth radiated by the sun. They may regret…

2017 Wildlife Resolutions
After last year's mixed success of completing my resolutions, I am going to not aim quite so high - but I am still going to set myself 17 resolutions for the year.
See a silver-spotted skipper butterfly (Hesperia comma).
If I do this,…

Wildlife Resolutions of 2016
Take part in BSBI's New Year Plant Hunt
As discussed in 'Back from my break' (January 2016)
Explore NT Wimpole Estate
Definitely managed that, although I still didn't get to visit everywhere on the estate - but…

Lucy McRobert to NowforNature
This post originally appeared on the A Focus On Nature blog on 24th December 2016.
Welcome to our 2016 Advent Calendar series (#AFONAdvent)! This year, our theme is “The Gift of Inspiration”. For each day, one of our members has written…

Winter at Chesil Beach
Having recently read and reviewed Winter, I was reminded of the winter storms I experienced at Chesil Beach.
The wind is rising. I can hear it buffeting against the windows, thundering its way down the street like it’s throwing a tantrum.…

Book Review: Winter – an anthology for the seasons
*This post originally appeared on the A Focus On Nature blog*
Thus far the Season anthologies from E&T and The Wildlife Trusts have been wonderful reads, and when Winter alighted on my doormat, I had my fingers crossed for more literary…

Making friends with dragons
Everything is beginning to calm down and sort itself out in my life, which is wonderful and also means that I may just have some time to write my blog again! Fingers crossed! There is a lot I could write about in this post, but I am going to…