About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts
In Good Company
Do you remember my blog post back in September where I raved about how fantastic a certain group called A Focus On Nature is? And I'd gone to their conference and got caught up in an adrenaline high from being around so many young conservationists?…
Round and about the place
Winter has set into place in mid-Wales, with some heavy frosts providing some slightly scary commutes (mainly getting out of a very icy driveway!) and even the first snows being reported (and then remaining in place on the very tops of those…
A Quiet Appreciation For Nature
Now that winter is upon us, I am changing to posting on this blog once a fortnight as I won't be seeing quite the variety of wildlife that the British summer provides, especially when combined with the increased hours of darkness. Whilst this…
A Weekend of Firsts
This weekend has been one of those really great couple of days, there's been fantastic wildlife, half-decent weather and some lovely people (and dogs). I spent it working up at Gilfach - the visitor centre is opened up at the weekends when the…
Off to my summer haunt
You may remember that I was spending rather a lot of time at Gilfach Nature Reserve earlier in the year (well, August). I headed back to this lovely reserve during the week, and it really is just so fantastic there.
I was visiting Gilfach for…
An Interesting Duo
Two exciting events occurred this week - well, in terms of nature, overall, lots of exciting things happened!
I went off to visit a reserve that I had never been to before - Mynydd Ffoesidoes. It's a difficult one to get to, it involves driving…
Life is like ... buses?
Sometimes we describe things like buses, you wait ages and then three (or more!) come along at once! That is just what happened with me recently – I hadn’t blogged for a couple of weeks as not much wildlife had been seen and I had no activities…
A visit to heaven, and a busman's holiday.
You may be quite intrigued by the title of the blog post, but you'll have to wait a little bit longer to find out what it applies to. A clue though, it is to do with my weekend off. To start off with, I shall fill you in on my working week.
Adventures and Learning
I'm writing yet another blog post whilst tired and in recovery from a fantastic few days. Seems to be the way of life for me at the moment, but I'm not complaining!
The week began with office work, which I might have previously thought to be…