About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts
Autumn is coming. Actually, it's here already!
I know I have been saying it for a little while, what with the ripening berries and the variety in, and number of, butterflies seen declining, but summer is truely ending and autumn is upon us. Now the majority of berries I've seen are ripe,…
A little bird said ...
This week I had the almighty pleasure and joy of taking over the Biotweeps account. This Twitter account is curated by a different biologist each week, who discusses their research, knowledge and interests. From a cursory glance over the contributors,…
A few twitches might a twitcher make!
No glorious weather on Monday to potter around in, so I attempted to get my affairs in order (job applications and the like since my contract will soon be finishing!). With better weather the next day, I headed south for the evening (after work)…
Guest Blog Post - Melanie Gould
Hello, my name is Melanie Gould. I am a 13 year old animal skull and bone collector, and wildlife lover! I have been collecting for just under a year, and have 150 skulls, and quite a few full skeletons. My passion for osteology came from my…
Raindrops on noses. And blackberries.
A busy week, as ever! Trying to recover from Birdfair, to get stuff done both at work and outside. At Lorton, I had a woodland wander as I took some children searching for beetles. Typically, we also found some other cool stuff to be fascinated…
Overall Thoughts on Birdfair
As you will know from my blog posts this week, I had a fantastic, busy, inspiring, wonderful time at Birdfair. My earlier posts covered what I got up to on each day, but I wanted to do a post that looked at Birdfair overall and my thoughts on…
Birdfair - Day Three
Oh crumbs the last day of Birdfair! It had all gone by so quickly! And there was so much left that I wanted to do and see!
10.00am - Wildlife in Trust: Butterflies, Bugs & Assorted Beasties, Simon Phelps
First on the list was, of course,…
Birdfair - Day Two
10.00am (ish) - Adventures with British Butterflies, Matthew Oates
Despite car issues keeping us in Oakham for a little while, we managed to get to Birdfair in time for me to catch the end of Matthew Oates' talk on his latest book, In Pursuit…
Birdfair - Day One
It has taken me a couple of days to come to terms with Birdfair. And by that, I mean the sheer amount of awesomeness packed into just three days. I'm going to attempt to describe my experience of Birdfair, but I really don't think I'll do it…