About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts

Life goes on
I haven't managed to write a blog post for three months now, which is just crazy. Due to a combination of being incredibly busy at work, very busy with A Focus On Nature work and some not-so-great stuff happening in my personal life, I haven't…

#30DaysWild - Days 24 - 30
I had a manic few days to finish off the month of June and thus 30 Days Wild - pond dipping, moth trapping, butterfly chasing ... the usual stuff really. Rather than go through all 6 days, I have included the highlights below.
Day 24

#30DaysWild - Day 23
Another day at Wicken Fen today with another school group. I was leading two of their activities today: pond dipping and a guided walk on the Fen.
However in other news, this week is National Insect Week and today I published my post…

#30DaysWild - Days 15 - 22
Ok, so I fell behind somewhat on my #30DaysWild blogging - oops! Not to worry though, I have been connecting with nature every day despite being busy with work, AFON bits and pieces, and general life stuff. I won't go into every single wild…

#30DaysWild - Day 14
I was at Wicken Fen again today, and I wasn't actually pond dipping! Instead I was leading the sessions on minibeast hunting for a local school. We went pretended to be centipedes and millipedes - at one I was the centipede's prey, and we…

#30DaysWild - Day 13
I was back at Wicken Fen today and in charge of 110 children! Fortunately they were ever so well-behaved and not too loud. I was doing the pond dipping sessions with them, and one of the children caught a dragonfly nymph that had started to…

#30DaysWild - Day 12
First thing in the morning meant the usual task for this time of year (i.e. spring to autumn) - looking in the moth trap! We had many of the normal species, including a face-full of Diamond-backed moths (Plutella xylostella). They are literally…

#30DaysWild - Days 8 - 11
It's proving difficult to blog every day for 30 Days Wild this year, but there is no need to worry. I am most definitely still connecting with nature every day!
Day 8
I actually…

#30DaysWild - Days 6 & 7
My first act of going wild on Day 6 started early when I released this Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor) into my garden. I had originally collected it as a caterpillar back in Dorset in September / October. Since then, I had been carefully…