About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts
I just did a cool thing
Hm, it seems that the general election has inspired me to write! As well as writing my Vision for Nature blog post, I've finally got round to writing an e-mail to Red Magazine concerning some thoughts of mine on their recent issues. I know that…
Here Be Tigers And Dragons
A blustery Monday at Chesil (which is pretty much always windy by the way), and we were heading out onto the beaches to recce a butterfly survey walk. Minimal Lepidoptera seen this time, just one Small White in fact, but plenty of other wildlife…
We Knew We Had Been There Before
Part of me feels I should start splitting my blog posts into four sections - Chesil Beach, Lorton Meadows, the garden and adventures out and about. Thoughts on that idea welcome, but for now, let's get on with looking at wildlife!
Wait hang…
Now this looks like a job for me
As the title suggests, I am no longer unemployed! However, before I get onto that good news, I would like to take a detour over to Kent where my parents and I headed out onto the river on their boat. Mind you, before even got onto the boat,…
Wildlife amongst the April showers
What a beautiful week - warm sunshine, only a couple of showers and the occasional breeze, and plenty of wildlife to be seen. I even enjoyed watching the spiders on the bench, adventuring out from their hiding places.
Annoyingly, one does…
Springing back into action
Spring is well and truly underway - birds are nesting, butterflies are fluttering and flowers are blooming. However, before I get on to all that, I'm going to take this blog indoors as I recount a recent event I attended. You may remember that…
The Present is the point at which time touches eternity
AKA, this blog is finally up to date again!
The start of this week was spent in a different line of work than my usual chatting to people about wildlife. However, it very much still involved chatting with people. I was assisting at the International…
Catching Up pt 3
As this blog catches up with the present day, I can reveal even more exciting wildlife sightings. Over at my local park, I spotted my first Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) in months - whilst my dad recently saw a Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris)…
Catching Up pt 2
Spring truly began for me on the w/c 23rd February. Twice during the week, I saw a bumblebee, though both times it was just a quick flyby. However, on 1st March (when attending the GMS conference), I photographed my first bumblebee of the year!…