About Me

I am a naturalist, bookworm, cat owner and occasional blogger.
I live in Bristol, where I am attempting to create a wildlife-friendly garden. As I rent and my garden is covered in pebbles, this means I am somewhat limited to pots and raised beds, but I live in hope!
Latest Blog Posts
Dear Radio Times ... cont'd
My e-mail to the Radio Times, regarding how they reported on BBC Wildlife Magazine's "The Wildlife Power List", has been responded to. Much as I appreciate that they did respond, I am less impressed by what they said:
Thank you for your email…
Day One of Megan & Matt Go Wild!
Welcome to our joint-blogging series for the Wildlife Trusts' 30 Days Wild Challenge - you can read more about the campaign and ourselves in our introduction page.
Megan (in coastal Dorset)
As discussed in this week's blog post, the start…
A bit of this, a bit of that - but mainly insects
I have very exciting news for you - the kestrels are nesting (again)! There is a new female, whom the male has been keeping sweet with dead mammals and rodents, and last week she laid her first egg. As I type, I can see on the live webcam that…
In Admiration of the Green (and Blue) Spaces of Weymouth and Portland
Rather than describing the wildlife I have seen over the last week, as I normally do, I want to shout out about the incredible area in which I am living. Just before then, I'll direct your attention to a couple of things that I think will be…
Dear Radio Times ...
There has been much controversy and discussion surrounding BBC Wildlife Magazine's "The Wildlife Power List" in this month's issue - who should have been on there (but wasn't), the ratio of females/males, the use of the word "Power", the use…
The hills are alive, with the beating of wings
Crikey, what a week indeed! It has been a real cracking few days for seeing wildlife - with the exception of Thursday where it just poured down with rain! Otherwise, I have been out and about looking for different animals all over the place!
Letter to Red Magazine Cont'd
My original e-mail to them can be found in this blog post. In short, I was writing about the lack of wildlife / conservation mentioned in their magazine plus the minimal amount of politics covered in the magazine (not online) around the time…
Nature is full of drama
What a week of drama! So much wildlife has been seen and there have been stories worthy of a TV soap opera! And oh yes, there was that general election thing as well. I've written about that too.
In terms of the caterpillars, they are all still…
Challenge Accepted - my Vision for Nature blog
This post originally appeared on A Focus On Nature's blog as part of their #VisionforNature series in the run-up (and just after) the general election 2015. Amongst the questions asked to prompt thoughts were: What do you want the natural world…